Are your family, friends and neighbors noticing your home’s new look? Are you yourself impressed with our work on a neighbor's home? If you know someone who might be interested in our exterior remodeling work, please send us their name!
If the referral leads to a sale, we will write you a check.
- $50 for 1st job sold
- $75 for 2nd job sold
- $100 for 3rd job sold
You do not need to be an O’Sullivan Installs customer to take advantage of this offer!
How much can you earn? We don’t set a limit. Maybe enough for a night out, maybe much more.
So how do you get started?
Just complete the referral form information below! If the referral leads to a sale, you will receive a check from us when the job is completed!
Once again, thank you for choosing O’Sullivan Installs.